What's Selling Where
Keith's Guns, Gresham
This large independent located in east suburban Portland is finally seeing demand calm down. “While ammo is still a nightmare, our gun inventory is not too bad. We’re back up to about 4,000 firearms in stock,” said owner Keith Ward.
Handguns sales are steady. Springfield Hellcats and Glock 43xs and 19s are moving well, as are Sig P365s. Other strong sellers include 1911s from Ed Brown, Wilson Combat, and Les Baer.
Ammo is a constant time commitment for this retailer. “We spend a lot of time sourcing. My relationships have proven to be invaluable during this period. It’s a great example of how treating people with respect and consideration is key,” said Ward.
Sales of Modern Sporting Rifles are steady at one per day. Price-point brands, such as the Smith & Wesson M&P Sport II, are especially popular. Bolt-action rifle sales are on the rise. Tikkas in 6.5 Creedmoor and .308 lead the pack.
Sprague’s Sports, Yuma
Specializing in law enforcement and military sales, this large Arizona independent is located just 15 minutes from the Mexican border. Right now, it’s all about ammo. “We are doing okay with most range calibers like 9mm,” said manager Chad Converse. “We’re even allowing 1,000 rounds a day per customer. That said, the price isn’t great. But at least we have it in stock. Obtaining centerfire ammo is super challenging.”
The store warehoused harder-to-get hunting calibers last year to make sure they have inventory for fall gun sales. Converse also reports that shotgun ammo is presenting special challenges. However, they expect to meet demand for the dove opener. MSR sales are steady. Entry-level models, such as the Ruger 556, are doing well. Daniel Defense is also seeing interest at the gun counter. Bolt-action guns, especially those from Christiansen Arms and Tikka, are in inventory for elk and antelope seasons. The store also reports it has Ruger Americans in stock. The 6.5 Creedmoor is expected to overshadow other calibers. Handgun sales have been heavily slanted toward the Glock 43X. Sig P365s and S&W EZ Shields are right behind.
Tacticool Arms, Greeley
Located on the north side of Greeley, this retailer specializes in custom MSR rebuilds and sales. It employs three people and has about 100 units in stock.
MSR sales are steady, with a healthy mix of starter guns and higher-grade customs. “Parts are a challenge right now, so our custom builds have slowed. That said, it has been nice to get back to a normal sales pattern,” said manager Josh Chavez.
Most starter guns are a mix of S&W MP Sport IIs and Ruger 556s. Models from
Radical Arms and Stag Arm are also seeing interest. Other sellers include BCM, Daniel Defense, and the company’s own brand Tacticool. Handguns are turning daily, mainly Glocks, Sig P365s and the Taurus 63c.
Hair-Trigger Gun Shop, Zimmerman
Located just one mile from Lake Freemont in the center of Zimmerman, this small-town recreation-destination shop keeps about 400 guns in stock in an even mix of hunting and home defense. Rimfire rifles in .22 are in high demand. The Ruger 10/22 is selling best, but Marlin is right behind. In the centerfire arena, a few deer rifles from Savage and Howa are moving out the door. MSRs are in stock and are turning at a rate of three per week. Mid-price models are posting the best numbers.
Like many stores, ammo poses a great challenge. “We just have to adapt,” said owner Rick Snook. “It takes more time on the phone, and pricing is changing constantly. We try not to limit sales by the box. However, it can change in a day.”
Shotgun inventory, however, is the best it has been since the pandemic began. This store is displaying a wide variety of lower-end pumps. Handgun sales are steady. S&W EZ Shields hold the high spot, followed by Glock 43xs, Springfield 1911s, and Sig P365s. All are available and turning quickly.
Bull City Guns, Alton
Located on Highway 24 in north-central Kansas, this large independent keeps more than 2,000 firearms in stock in nearly 10,000 square feet of floor space. Handgun sales rule the roost here. Glock 43xs and 19s, Sig P365s, and EZ Shields are all selling well. Ammo is challenging and high priced, and reloading supplies at an all-time low.
“Our inventory is starting to improve,” said founder Roy Ballard. “We can get a few key handguns, but ordering a gun that a customer just wants out of the blue is impossible. I’ve even booked large parts of my personal collection to meet demand.”
A few clay-target shotguns are moving across the counter, notably Browning Citoris and used Browning side-by-sides. Though not readily available, the store has been able to stock some Benelli M2 and American Tactical shotguns.
MSRs are turning at four to five per week. Customers are taking home a varied mix from Smith M&Ps to special-order items from Daniel Defense. Sales of bolt-actions are picking up; Ruger American in 6.5 Creedmoor are seeing the most action.
Mike’s Guns, Iowa Falls
Keeping about 150 new and used guns in stock, this small mom-and-pop store told SHOT Business that it will close its doors by Labor Day. “It’s really about selling off the complete inventory of the store,” said owner Mike Beaupain. “Meanwhile, I’m moving and rotating in parts of my collection for sale. While I’m not bringing much in, I’m still ordering ammo when I can find it. It’s hard giving up servicing my customers that I’ve known for years.”
Current inventory consists of a few Mossberg combos and some bolt-action guns, mostly Mossberg Patriots and Ruger Americans in .243 and 6.5 Creedmoor.
Northeastern Firearms, Turner
This rural Maine gun shop is 20 miles north of Lewiston and 30 miles west of Augusta. The 2,000-foot-store stocks a wide mix of hunting and home-defense firearms.
“We’re really doing well with inventory,” said counter salesman Mark Wilcox. “It’s not ideal, but compared to many other stores in the northeast, at least we are holding our own.”
Ammo stocks are good at this location, with few to no limits on purchases. Prices of some calibers, however, are the highest they’ve been in the store’s history.
Pre-bird season selling is underway. Sales are up for over-under shotguns in 20 and 28 gauge. Sales of .22 rifles have been brisk. Ruger’s 10/22 is the clear sales leader here.
“We list every used gun on our website, and we update it daily,” said Wilcox. Handguns are in stock and moving well. Glock 43xs and 19s, Sig P365s, and Smith EZ Shields hold the high-demand slots.
Bob’s Gun Exchange, Darien
In business for more than 50 years, this retailer specializes in handguns, reloading supplies, and higherend shotguns. Concealed-carry handguns often turn within hours of being logged in. Store manager Hunter Tassitano said the store boasts a large selection of fine guns “because we buy, sell, and trade handguns, shotguns, and rifles of all types and from all manufacturers. We offer new and used guns along with antique guns.” The most consistent deliveries are coming from Glock and Ruger, and the store is still getting custom orders for Wilson Combat.
“We’re getting a steady supply from Glock and Ruger, with turns as fast as paperwork allows. It has been a remarkably intense year,” said Tassitano.
Shotgun inventory continues to be an issue. Though hunting rifles are turning slowly, the store is finding it difficult to replenish inventory.
Although 9mm ammo stocks are better than expected, the store enforces a one-box-per-customer limit. In addition to firearms, this retailer also stocks a large selection of safes and a wide range of gun accessories.
G&S Firearms, Wayne
Located in central New Jersey off I-80, only a few miles west of New York City, this small independent specializes in home-defense and law-enforcement contracts.
“We are a small store that has learned to love transfers,” said owner Gordon Levine. “We charge $35, and they bring in a lot of customers. I’m 80 years old, and I am looking to retire. Transfers have allowed me to close out much of my personal inventory and avoid fighting distributor shortages.”
Other transfer orders have included Smith EZ Shields and revolvers. Some of the specialty high-demand items include vintage Colt 1911s. A few Mossberg 500 defense packages are in stock.
Googes', Hazelhurst
Located in southeast Georgia, this rural sporting-goods, gas station, and meat-supply store stocks 250 used and new guns.
Summer typically has been about plinking for this retailer, but this season it’s been tricky. “Small-caliber sales are a mainstay of the store in the summer. However, the only .22 ammo I have is reserved for purchases with a gun,” said owner Ray Googe.
Standbys like Ruger 10/22s and Marlin lever-actions are moving. But, like almost everything in the store, finding inventory requires a phone call. “It takes getting on the phone for at least two hours a day and buying what we can find,” said Googe.
Obtaining ammo is also an ordeal, to the point that nearly all the store’s stocks of 9mm, .40, .45, and .223 are reserved for customers making purchases.
The best-selling handguns are Glock 43xs and S&W EZ Shields. Used .38 S&W J-Frame wheel guns are also moving. MSRs are turning at two per week.
Sharp Shooters, Lubbock
In business since 1992, this is one of the largest independents in the state. With 3,000 firearms in inventory, the West Texas shop specializes in hunting rifles, handguns, and home defense products.
“Our ammo inventory is improving, but we are still limiting most sales to two boxes a day per customer,” said counter salesman Jesse Cruz.
Although deer season is in the distance, bolt-action rifles are starting to move. Turns are split between high-end and price-point models. Christensen Arms and Tikka in 6.5 Creedmoor and .243 are securing the most attention.
MSRs are moving out the door at a rate of about four per week. Smith M&Ps and Modern Outfitters sell best, but high-end models from Daniel Defense are also moving. A few Franchi Affinity 20 gauges are moving for dove season. Handguns are also selling well. Sig P365s and S&W EZ Shields hold the top slots; Glock 19s are right behind.
Woods and Waters, Tuscaloosa
This large, independent fishing, hunting, and sports-apparel store mixes storefront sales with a strong web business. It inventories more than 3,000 online products.
At the handgun counter, Smith EZ Shields, Glock 43xs and 19s, and Sig P365s command the most attention. In-store inventories are better than expected.
Manager Drew Ryan said sales of .22 rifles are down due to a lack of .22 ammo. “Ammo prices are high. We’re just passing on our markup.”
At the MSR counter, sales of Smith M&P Sport IIs have averaged one per day. As deer season nears, the store expects to see demand rise for Tikka T3s in 6.5 Creedmoor and .243. Browning X-Bolts are also projected to have strong turns.
Shotguns are just starting to move. Stoeger M3500s and Winchester SX4 autoloaders and SXP pumps in 20 gauge are expected to dominate dove season.