EAA Corp Releases Girsan MCP35 PI
News Briefs - Nov/Dec 2022
A Florida-based company, European American Amory Corporation is the world’s leading importer of European firearms. It’s mission: to bring the U.S. consumer firearms that are on the leading edge of technology.
The new Girsan MCP35 PI was created to be easy to carry and conceal, whether on the job or at the beach. Designed and engineered with a serious respect for the original John Browning pistol design, the Girsan MCP35 PI pays homage to one of the most widely used military handguns in the world. Built on a steel frame and displaying classic, black-matte styling, the MCP35 PI boasts a 15 + 1 capacity in a staggered-column magazine. Originally designed as a military pistol, by necessity it needed to be highly accurate. Rest assured, the Girsan MCP35 PI falls completely in-line with the original.
“Not only did Girsan find a way to make the already popular MCP35 family of handguns easier to carry, but they have found another great market for our retailers to capitalize on,” said Chase Duffey, EAA’s national sales and import manager. “We’ve already seen a huge demand for the more compact MCP35 PI.”
With its slim trigger, ring hammer, ambidextrous safety, windage-adjustable drift sight, and a 3.88-inch barrel, this 9mm will certainly become a leader in the category. Dealer orders are being accepted now and will be available for purchase at finer sporting goods and firearm stores nationwide soon. (eaacorp.com)