A sampling of some of the most frequently purchased brands in 2022. Handguns: Smith & Wesson.
Frequently Purchased Hunting and Shooting Equipment Brands in 2022
News Briefs - May/June 2023
Hunting and shooting equipment sales were steady in 2022, allowing retailers the opportunity to continue replenishing store shelves hit during the pandemic surge. With more products and brands to choose from, some brand shifts are occurring again. Southwick Associates identified top brands purchased in the market, based on more than 9,000 surveys of hunters and shooters conducted through the year. Surveys were fielded through the Southwick Associates online HunterSurvey and ShooterSurvey consumer panels and to the general public to help reach casual participants.
Here's a sampling of some of the most frequently purchased brands in 2022. Traditional rifles: Savage and Ruger; handguns: Smith & Wesson; shotgun ammunition: Federal; reloading dies: RCBS; reloading components: Hornady; laser rangefinders: Sig Sauer; red-dot sights: Holosun; non-powered aftermarket sights: Meprolight; scope/accessory mounts: Leupold; game calls: Primos; gun cleaning: Hoppes; choke tubes: Carlson; magazines: Magpul; and trigger assemblies: Timney.
Results of the Southwick Associates consumer tracking study are available in the Hunting & Shooting Participation and Equipment Purchases Report. This in-depth resource tracks consumer-reported hunting and shooting participation and equipment purchases for approximately 100 products. Purchase information includes the percentage of sales across different types of stores, brand purchased, price paid, and demographics for hunters and shooters buying specific products. Additional participation information tracked includes total days spent per activity, type of hunting/shooting activity, preferred species, and where they hunt. Reports are available both as a single annual report or as a subscription to quarterly reports through the year.
Southwick Associates also develops custom research to assist companies with their business decisions, including market assessments, product development, customer segmentation, brand health, optimal pricing, and more. To purchase a report or discuss custom research, contact Nancy Bacon at Nancy@SouthwickAssociates.com.