Avient and EZR Sport Create Eco-Conscious Firearm Grips
News Briefs - September/October 2023
A recent collaboration between Avient Corporation and EZR Sports (a division of EEZER Products, Inc.) has yielded new flexible-foam firearm grips. These weather and chemically resistant grips use Avient’s CORE Non-Phthalate Plastisols and comply with California’s recently passed Proposition 65 law. EZR Sport, an American company specializing in grips for industrial and military firearm manufacturers, required a grip that contained no phthalates listed in the new law’s chemical labeling requirements. However, EZR’s grip also needed to be chemically resistant to gun oil, DEET (the most common active chemical ingredient in insect repellents), and ultraviolet radiation.
Avient’s Specialty Coatings group worked with EZR Sport to combine Avient’s CORE Non-Phthalate Plastisols with EZR’s proprietary manufacturing process, creating the EZR Gauntlet System of grips with exceptional foam cell structure. The grips meet EZR’s requirements to withstand weather and chemical elements while maintaining appearance, aesthetics, and eco-conscious guidelines. They can also provide an improved grasp and cushioning for excellent shock absorption, steady hand placement, and enhanced control for shooting accuracy.
“EEZER Products has been a long-time partner of Avient, and it’s an exciting opportunity for us to support them with their EZR Gauntlet product line,” said Mark Tindell, general manager of specialty coatings at Avient.
“Avient’s CORE plastisol formulation has proven to be the perfect match for our stringent material performance criteria, enabling EZR to thrive,” said Bob Atkinson, president of EZR Sport. “The continuous assistance from their experts has been instrumental in ensuring our ongoing progress and achievement.”
In addition to meeting EZR’s material needs, Avient helped EZR with its sustainability goals by changing how CORE Plastisols are delivered. The CORE products are now shipped in collapsible, reusable totes. Each tote holds a low-impact, disposable bladder containing five drums worth of material. The bladder can help minimize concerns surrounding liquid residue that could be hazardous, can evacuate material more efficiently, and can compact after use for space savings. Once emptied, EZR can collapse and stack the totes to be collected by Avient for future deliveries, reducing overall environmental impact.
Avient’s CORE Non-Phthalate Plastisols are manufactured in North America and are available worldwide. This range of solutions is an alternative for markets and applications affected by the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) guidelines. These versatile formulations are suitable for multiple plastisol processing methods and can be custom formulated to meet specific customer requirements. (avient.com)